Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Raise O'windy farmer at the new order of Communism

Once upon a time the communists came and took my grandstander's land. And vast land it was - thousands of hectares of farming lands in the southern part of the country. From Karnobat hills all the way to Bourgass suburbs.

Then many years later the Communists' power diminished and farmers began to repatriate their lands. Due to the lack of public records the repatriation process had been reduced to simply showing up with a surveyor and one whiteness at the court house and obtaining a deed. So my uncle Jelko beat my dad to the court house and obtained a deed over most of my grandfather's land. Whatever was left, which was a fraction of the original parcels went to my father. My father had repeatedly approached uncle Jelko with a request to evenly divide the original land but Jelko had always refused.

You see now that my success of being so effective in protecting myself from the Slavic culture is actually the product of eastern Europeans themselves. I have used the virus against the disease much like vaccine is used to inoculate one against an infection.

If I was never exposed to the disease of being Bulgarian I would have never found a way to beat it. History had given me the gift of wisdom which very few can appreciate. My family disgusting crap from the past is exactly what saves me from following in their footsteps. Of course my shit brother is not just following their footsteps. He is diving head first into each trench of disgusting penny pinching sludge which dilutes the difference between man and animal.

At the end of the day this is just unnecessary aggravation for me. None of the material stuff makes any difference to me because of the extraordinary economic spread in scale between life there and life at home. While I want my rents, one must also ask oneself the question of whether engaging in this dispute actually perpetuates the same culture I so detest. I can easily sign off everything to someone else and my eye would not even blink. The only thing that will haunt me is the taste of garbage in my mouth left over from this horrendous decay of humanity.

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